Peralta Trail Gold Canyon, Arizona

Our daughter Chelsea and her boyfriend Ian asked us to go hiking with them in Gold Canyon on  The Peralta Trail a couple weekends ago.  None of us are experienced hikers by any means but they hike way more than we do. This trail was both harder and longer than we realized going in.

Living in Arizona for 21 years we have never been on any of the hiking trails, we were blown away at the beauty and the views were breathtaking!

We would hike the trail again but without Maggie, it was a little too long for her. She just isn’t used to going that far. Maggie did great though and met many new friends along the route. She’s such a trooper and seemed to really enjoy the day out in nature.

Peralta Trail Family Hike 3/4/2018

The hike was 4.9 miles one way with a very rocky path and steep at times.  Make sure you pack water and snacks. This is a day-long hike and its better to start early in the morning.  Wear comfortable hiking boots and a hat to protect your head from the harsh Arizona sun.

Arizona has so much to offer in the winter time for outdoor activities. Next fall/winter we are going to take more advantage of going on more Arizona hikes.  Even living in Arizona for so long we neglected to get out and explore! Now that we live in our RV it has made us get out and enjoy the outdoors!!  There’s so much to see out there.

Check out our Gallery below for more photos from our hike.

Peralta Trail Family Hike 2018

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